I will admit, I am a person who has an emotional support water bottle. There’s just something about carrying around a metal bottle that still keeps water cold, even after it’s two days old.
My water bottle goes with me everywhere — to work, to class and even when I go home for the weekend. If I forget it, my entire day is ruined, and I can barely function. I might as well stay in bed all day.
I have fallen asleep with my water bottle in my bed before. It will always be there for me no matter what. This water bottle has seen me at my best and my worst. At this point, it’s almost a licensed therapist.
I have dropped and accidentally thrown this bottle, and it is still going strong. It’s still beautiful even with the scraps and scratches I’ve inflicted upon it. My water bottle has supported me more than anyone else, and I appreciate it so much.
This water bottle will be at my wedding. Screw the bouquet of flowers, I want my pink water bottle with ice cold water in it in my arms as I walk down the aisle.
Don’t even worry, it’s even one of the environmental bottles that when you buy it, money gets donated to save the trees. Together, we’re saving the environment — one full bottle of water at a time.
My bottle will never go behind my back or do me wrong. I will never have to worry about it leaving me. It supports me emotionally at all times.
When I think of a dynamic duo, my first thought isn’t a classic duo like Batman and Robin, but it’s my water bottle and me. We might be the best duo to ever exist.
My water bottle is my best friend, and I love it more than almost everything.
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